Nutrition Coaching + Online Training
What to Expect
Who is this for?
Those who are looking for the “full package” of coaching. When our coaches are in charge of both your diet and training we have the upmost confidence you’ll be successful with us.
Those who have struggled in the past mixing a proper diet and exercise plan together. When your nutrition and training plans are aligned you’ll see much better results.
Those have who have competitive aspirations just as CrossFit athletes, powerlifters and bodybuilders.
Not ideal for those who heavily rely on group classes, although we can mix those in with other training. If you’d prefer your main exercise to be group classes, our Nutrition Coaching package would be a better fit.
What results to expect?
Nutrition Coaching
Lose fat, gain muscle, increase your performance, all while still enjoying the foods you love.
Learn the building blocks of a sustainable healthy diet.
Create a lifestyle design & habits to help you make progress for years.
Learn how to manipulate your own macros/calories during different phases (such as fat loss, or gaining strength).
Learn how to alter your diet to your lifestyle (such as eating out, vacations and anniversaries)
Build self-confidence and a healthy mindset with food.
Online Training
Enjoy your workouts
Build strength & muscle
Lose body fat
Decrease pain from overtraining
Learn proper exercise technique through demos and video analysis
What's included?
Nutrition Coaching
Individualized nutrition plan including target macronutrients, calories and a sample meal plan.
An introductory phone/Zoom call to assess your goals, make a gameplan and answer questions.
Weekly check-ins with our user-friendly software that manually syncs popular apps like MyFitnessPal and FitBit
Supplement recommendations
Access to over 100 educational videos & articles, including content like our Eating Out Guides.
Online Training
Customized workouts based on your goals, equipment access, injury history, and personal preferences.
The program delivered through user-friendly software TrueCoach.
Video tutorials and video analysis of your workouts
Warm-up and mobility routines included
The custom program includes both strength and cardio workouts based on your goals and preferences.
Nutrition Coaching + Online Training
How It Works
1) Sign up form
In order to develop the best individual plan, we'll need to get to know you better. Our questionnaire gives us information about your goals, experience, and preferences. After signing up you'll be automatically emailed our questionnaire form.
2) Receive your plan
After signing up you'll receive your plan & our educational content within a few days. This will include both your first weeks of workouts and your starting nutrition plan. You'll also be directed on how to create your account in our software.
3) Schedule a 1:1 intro consult
Once you've looked over the initial plan, we'll schedule an in-person or over the phone consult. In this consult, we'll answer any questions you have before officially starting. We'll also discuss our long term game plan and anything that stood out in your sign-up form. These consults range from 30-60 minutes.
4) Official start date
Congratulations. You're now on week one! By now, you'll have set up your account on and be able to start tracking your data for us.
5. First weekly check-in
During our initial consult, we'll agree upon a check-in day and you will check-in via our software to monitor your progress and answer questions. This is an imperative part of the program as we make adjustments to the plan sometimes every week based upon your progress. During our check-ins, we'll also discuss any difficulties you're having and help you develop practical solutions.
Inside Look of a Weekly Check-in
Still on the fence?
We’re currently offering free 15-minute intro calls to learn more about your goals and answer any questions.