Greg has built a very flexible meal plan that’s enabled me to achieve many goals I never thought I’d be able to reach. For my wife and I both, MyoBrain has served as a guide that’s allowed us to learn portion size, while allowing us to enjoy all the food we’ve always loved. It has helped us understand how to quantify the food we put in our bodies and build habits that we will continue to use even after MyoBrain.
We were regulars at eating out and frequently over indulged without even knowing it. Now we know portion control and are still able to enjoy food and even try new things. Lastly, it showed us the importance of what exactly we put in our bodies. We didn’t change our workout habits in the least. All we did was follow Greg’s individualized plan for us and eat the right amount of food. If you want to make a change, your nutrition is key. MyoBrain has nutrition down to a science.