We’re proud of our clients 👇
Greg has built a very flexible meal plan that’s enabled me to achieve many goals I never thought I’d be able to reach. For my wife and I both, MyoBrain has served as a guide that’s allowed us to learn portion size, while allowing us to enjoy all the food we’ve always loved. It has helped us understand how to quantify the food we put in our bodies and build habits that we will continue to use even after MyoBrain.
We were regulars at eating out and frequently over indulged without even knowing it. Now we know portion control and are still able to enjoy food and even try new things. Lastly, it showed us the importance of what exactly we put in our bodies. We didn’t change our workout habits in the least. All we did was follow Greg’s individualized plan for us and eat the right amount of food. If you want to make a change, your nutrition is key. MyoBrain has nutrition down to a science.
— Tyler
Greg is very knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to learning about tracking my nutrition and the importance of properly fueling my body. Anytime I have a question he always gets back to me quickly and explains things in depth yet very easy to understand. I’ve been working with him for a few months now and I’ve already seen big changes in my body composition. I feel like I’m on track to reaching my goals with myobrain.
— Tori
“My goal was to loose 20# in 6 months. After I achieved that, I thought let’s keep going. Now, I’m 30# down. I did not starve myself and I didn’t deny myself of everything that tastes good. It’s about making healthy decisions more often than not, learning what works for you, and what fits into your lifestyle. I’m a mom with a full time job and a schedule that keeps me busy. Greg has been doing this business for a long while now and knows his stuff inside and out. He researches it, he lives it. He cares about your goals and getting you where you want to be. After having my daughter and doing what I could on my own with my weight loss and hitting a plateau, I knew it was time to change the game. I’ve been doing Myobrain for almost a year and I’m so glad I made the decision.”
— Katie
“I came to Greg after finally realizing I couldn’t out-train a bad diet. I have always been reluctant to make the leap and diet for Crossfit since dieting for past bodybuilding competitions were always a nightmare. However, Greg made an easy to follow weight loss plan allowing me to maintain my school and social life. Despite losing 30ish pounds so far, I haven’t really felt like I’ve been on a diet this entire time. I’m finally starting to see results in the gym as I’ve wanted and if I’d known the required changes were this easy I would’ve made them a long time ago.”
— Scott
“I contacted Greg because I was so frustrated with the changes, or lack there of, in my body after years of being a dance studio owner, runner, and now Crossfitter. I was becoming stronger in my work outs and lifting but just not seeing any changes in my body composition or muscle mass. “Soft Skinny” is the word everyone chose for me. My self esteem was bottomed out and I couldn’t understand how everyone else could change their bodies but not me. Greg put me on a nutrition program and did my programming, and I have followed it almost exactly for 6 months. Obviously I have made a few bad food choices over the months, but this only works if you do what he says. I also had shoulder surgery the month after I started with him and he modified and scaled my programming perfectly. I truly had no idea the changes that had occurred until I did my side by side pictures. I am so grateful for Myobrain and what it has done for me in terms of strength, confidence, and body changes and can’t wait to see the changes yet to come!”
— Mindi

“After having my second child I wasn’t confident and needed help with my nutrition. I wasn’t sure how to balance breastfeeding, keeping up with my kids and making my health a priority.
Working with MyoBrain was great because I could still eat foods I enjoy and not have to be on a strict “diet” and only eat certain foods. I lost over 30 pounds while working with MyoBrain and learned how to balance eating well with my lifestyle!”
— Anonymous
“Working with McKenzie was great! Going through a pandemic and all of the changes to eating and exercise habits that came with it, I found myself overweight and out of shape. I tried to drop the pounds on my own twice but would stall out after several days and even add back more!
McKenzie was just the accountability partner I needed to stay focused and on track. The weekly check-ins were very encouraging and helpful and filled with sound advice. My decision making process around food choices began to change for the better, eating out less and staying consistent in tracking. The results in less than 5 months have been amazing, dropping 30 lbs and feeling great!
— Allen
“I have been working with Greg at MyoBrain for a month now and the experience has been amazing! While I have always loved fitness and am a fitness instructor I was struggling to figure out what my body needed on day-to-day basis. I was exercising but not seeing results. Between that and some covid weight gain I decided to get some help and it was the best decision I could have made.
Greg is so approachable and takes all the mystery out of eating. There is no great mystery or trick, and I am still able to eat foods that I enjoy. I even find myself craving healthier foods!
The balance and thoughtfulness that MyoBrain has brought to my eating has also started to show in the other aspects of life too! I am a happier mother, wife, and person on a day-to-day basis. I am so excited to see where the next two months take me and would recommend this program to everyone, hands down!”
— Jolynne
“I started working with Myobrain a little over a year ago. At that time, I was inconsistently following fad diets and had no idea how to fuel my body for all the crossfit I was doing. Working with Greg, I learned how to properly fuel my body for performance. Over the past year, he’s made adjustments to my macros and body composition goals based on things like school and my work schedule, how much I’m training, and what I’m training for. He has helped me to be consistent in working towards my nutrition goals with a flexible and easy to follow plan and solutions for problems that may hinder my progress.”
— Lauren
“I contacted Greg in April 2022 at the encouragement of a friend, and at first I was skeptical as I am truly your typical “I’ve tried everything” type of dieter and didn’t think this would be different. I’ve struggled with losing weight for 10+ years and have yo-yo dieted and tried everything trick in the book. However, from day one with Greg, he just made things simple. He remained patient with me despite all my panicked questions and busy schedule, and he helped me realize I had been vastly over-complicating it all these past years. Greg hasn’t just been a coach for me, but someone who genuinely cares about my and his clients’ well-being and works with each unique situation to achieve various goals. I’ve lost over 25 pounds since working with Greg, but more importantly I have gained newfound confidence and the skills to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle without all the stress and self-criticism I had been living with the past decade. I cannot recommend Greg & the Myobrain team enough.”
— Anonymous